Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

As discussed in chapter 6, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a method of classifying human needs and motivations into five categories in ascending order of importance: physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization (pg. 106). It is noted that as a person fulfills one need, a higher-level need becomes more important. Physiological needs are the most basic needs for a human; such as food, water, and shelter. These needs are needed in order to survive. In my opinion, I think that the physiological needs are the most important because they are a necessity to life. Without those needs, nobody would be able to survive. Safety needs are needed for security and freedom from the pain and discomfort. This need helps marketers sell their products. For example, everyone would want to feel safe at all times. Mostly, for the ones who are ill; they would want to know that they can count on the doctors and nurses in the hospital to take care of them. Social needs include love and the sense of belonging. Love is always needed because it is the acceptance without regard to one's contribution. Self-esteem needs include self-respect and a sense of accomplishment. Esteem needs include prestige, fame, and recognition of one's accomplishments. I also believe that esteem is very important because it sets an image for oneself and it is very significant to have self-respect for yourself. The highest human need is self-actualization; which means that "people are what they feel they should be." I feel as if this need is the one who mostly convinces the consumers to buy their products.

If I had to narrow it down, the top three Maslow's hierarchy of needs that are the most significant to my life are the physiological needs, safety needs, and the social needs. Physiological needs are the most essential for me because without them I would not be able to survive in the world because no one person is able to survive without food, water, or even shelter. Those things are the most important in everyday life. Safety needs are also important because everyone needs to feel secure and protected. In my opinion, I would like to feel safe everywhere I go because that is the type of person I am and I would get paranoid if it was any other way. Social needs are also a huge factor in my life because without my friends and family I would not know what I would do. They are always there for me whenever I need them and in the end I know that I can always lean on them if I am feeling down and need someone to cheer me up.

What three Maslow's hierarchy of needs are essential to your life? Which one do you think is the most important to you?

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